The Clockwork Cabaret, Episode 60

The Davenports never pass up an opportunity to start the party early. A full day early. Please enjoy this festive Preemptive St Patrick’s Day Strike! Now with 100% more Phineas P Moneyload than the last few programs! Limericks! Stories! Irish Jokes! A Certificate to Drink in the Street! So here’s a toast to the health of your enemies’ enemies! (Unless you are CLANNG, in which case ‘Here’s a potato shoved in your face. May it take root there and overgrow your brain.’)

The Clockwork Cabaret is a production of Agony Aunt Studios. Featuring the darling Davenport siblings, Emmett & Klaude Davenport. Our theme music is made especially for us by Kyle O’Door.

This episode aired on WCOM-LP 103.5 FM, 03.16.09.

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