The Clockwork Cabaret is a weekly radio show on Mad Wasp Radio, hosted by that darling DJ duo, Emmett Davenport & Lady Attercop. They’re old. They’re not hip. They’re your weird aunties. But, they’ve got a wide assortment of cocktails, music, weird history & geekery that they’d like to share.
The Clockwork Cabaret is a production of Agony Aunt Studios. Our theme music was composed by Kyle O’Door.
Follow us on Twitter & Instagram @clockwrkcabaret, post with the tag #clockworkcabaret and be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you never miss a new episode: http://itunes.com/clockworkcabaret/
TUMBLR: clockwrkcabaret.tumblr.com
RSS Feed: http://clockworkcabaret.libsyn.com/rss
If you would like to contact us regarding the show. Simply send an email to clockworkcabaret@gmail.com, or post on twitter with the tag #clockworkcabaret and we’ll take care of that for you.
Why should I listen to a couple of weirdos prattling on? Well, since 2007, the numerous Davenport siblings (Alistair, Emil, Emmett “Mouse”, Vivian “Ducky”, Klaude, Merrill “Mingan”, Olivier, Virgil) and Lady Attercop have been stuffing their fans’ earholes full to brimming with poetry, comedy sketches, and “the music o’ gears”. They’re also quite funny.
What is your episode posting schedule? Excellent question! Our show airs on Mad Wasp Radio on Sundays at 7am EST/12pm GMT. We post the new podcast episodes on Monday morning, our season runs from the September to the end of June or thereabouts.
What do I do between episodes? Well, you could very easily delve into the musical archives of past episodes that we have here or check out one of our other projects. Subscribe to our podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Libsyn, Mixcloud, Spotify, Stitcher Radio, TuneIn (or any of your favorite podcatchers). Better yet: If you like us, spend a few minutes leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts (or anyplace that lets you review, we aren’t picky). Click the DONATE button and help us defray our expenses, or simply frequent the very smart companies that sponsor our show.
Do you have merchandise for sale? We do! Check out our store for all the various ridiculous and unique things we sell.
Do you take music submissions? We do! We would like to give you some airplay here at The Clockwork Cabaret on Mad Wasp Radio. We have been doing this for over a decade and our show has over 40,000 subscribers to our podcast, not to mention the tons of listeners who tune in live every week, so you will get plenty of visibility. Airplay sometimes takes a couple of weeks from when we receive your band’s press kit or recorded music. But we always post a playlist on our archive, so you can see when we played your music.
Where do we send your show music? We actually prefer digital copies whenever possible. Please make sure that it includes a brief Biography on the musician or Band as well if possible (i.e. Where has the band played? How long have they been together? Who are their influences? Where are they from? etc.) as that always helps as well for introducing your band’s music over the air.
Send your Press kit / Music to: agonyauntstudios@gmail.com
Mailing Address: Agony Aunt Studios c/o Davenport’s Cafe Diem 439 Hillsboro Street, Pittsboro, NC U.S.A 27312