Dice Dice My Darling is a podcast featuring Amelié (Emmett), Fenella (Krystin), Higgins (Ducky), and Randall (Donnie) playing a campaign of adventure, urban fantasy, swearing, and most importantly, humor, run by our very own Keeper/DM/GM/Overlord?, Nicole (aka Lady Attercop).
Dice Dice My Darling is a production of Agony Aunt Studios. Featuring Lady Nicole Nikolai Attercop, Donnie Springfield, Krystin Gollihue, Emmett Davenport & Lord “Ducky” Attercop. Our theme music is “Shadow of the Valley” from musicnote-world.com.
Follow us on Twitter via @DDMDcast, @LadyAttercop, @EmmettDavenport, @DSpringfield and @LordAttercop, post with the tag #DDMDcast or #DiceDiceMyDarling and be sure to subscribe so you never miss a new episode:
RSS: http://dicedicemydarling.libsyn.com/rss
If you have a question, let us know! Simply send an email to dicedicemydarling@gmail.com, or post on twitter with the tag #DDMDcast and we’ll take care of that for you.
Why should I listen to a bunch of weirdos play an RPG game?
We like to share our experiences, the story is interesting, and our cast is pretty funny.
What is your episode posting schedule?
Excellent question! We don’t have one just yet. As we progress, we’ll get on a schedule but right now, it’s simply when the mood strikes us.
We always give a heads-up on Twitter that a show is about to go up.
What do I do between episodes?
Subscribe to our podcasts on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn (or any favorite podcatcher).
Better yet: If you like us, spend a few minutes leaving a 5 star review on iTunes (or anyplace that lets you review, we aren’t picky).
Click the DONATE button and help us defray our expenses, or simply frequent the very smart companies that sponsor our show.