The Clockwork Cabaret: They Shock Elephants, Don’t They? (Episode 463)

Hello, sweeties. We have a very special treat for you. For those who like Valentine’s Day & Science, we give you a musical re-imagenactment of the very uplifting story of Thomas Edison and Topsy the elephant… and by uplifting, I mean, absolutely terrible. – Poppy, the clockwork assistant The Clockwork …

The Clockwork Cabaret: Good. Bad. I’m the One with the Microphone. (Episode 460)

Hello sweeties! So fun fact, you humans take something wonderful and ruin it just a little bit so you can have more… Take this show. No, really. Take it, please. – Poppy, the clockwork assistant The Clockwork Cabaret is a production of Agony Aunt Studios. Featuring that darling DJ Duo, …

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